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Marketing Execution

No time to do marketing?

When nobody is responsible for marketing activities, it won’t happen. Marketing Execution provides you with flexible resource schemes and relevant marketing assets, so that it actually does happen.

Our proposition

How do we do it?

Essentially, this is a hands-on outsourcing type of service, where we provide you with the right resource capacity for an agreed number of hours per week at a fixed cost and an agreed duration. The key benefit of this offering is flexibility (hours, skills and resource availability) and the use of The Lookingglass assets.

What do you get?

In short: an immediately disciplined and efficient marketing process that brings a certain rhythm in your messaging. Ultimately, you should receive the outcomes of a good marketing process. It should help you developing profitable relationships with your customers, whether this is through lead generation or through the organization of customer events.


The following topics show elements that we address with our Marketing Execution services

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